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Subiectul semințelor contrafăcute din România – în atenția industriei europene (european-seed.

Poza scriitorului: AGRIM USAMV Cluj-NapocaAGRIM USAMV Cluj-Napoca

Actualizată în: 15 mar. 2021

Battling Counterfeit Seeds: A Closer Look at the Romanian Seed Industry

One of the key topics and activities the association tries to address is the awareness in raising and promoting to growers of the use of certified seeds to boost yields, competitiveness and importance of R&D in seeds innovation and benefits. AISR is addressing the issue around counterfeit seeds. In a new project just started in autumn of 2017 — The monitoring of counterfeit seeds in Romania — AISR is working with a private detective company and are monitoring non-traditional channels for marketing of seeds, awareness to growers related to packaging and unusual pricing. In 2016 and 2017, the association collaborated on an important project with the ROMAPIS beekeeper association to study and communicate to growers and beekeepers about honey-bearing properties of main sunflower and rapeseed hybrids marketed in Romania. Communication to growers related to sustainable farming practices, direct benefits of certified seeds and innovation in seed genetics are all key important topics we are addressing.

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